Monday, July 18, 2011

Jhoong re bhaava Jhoong Jhoong Jhoong!

The subject line simply translates to 'swing my tipsy man, swing!'.
I've began to wonder how people lead lives without the touch of spirits. Not ghostly spirits but liquor spirits. Without wanting to sound a la Priyanka Chopra of 7 khoon maaf, let me elaborate my case.
In our modest household, the lady of the house needs her wine every evening, brandy when the son's ever inflamed sinus goes berserk, brandy again but Teachers this time for the daughter's menstrual cramps, good Old monk for the old gardener, ditto for the garbage picking van driver. There is no need absolutely to feed the latter two, strangely it keeps both parties happy. None of her drinkers ever abuse the their drink. They are I put it 'fine like old wine'.
The husband of the lady of the house, of course takes a proud share of the overall consumption in the house. Scotch for relaxing, beer for celebration, whisky for rough days, brandy for 'there's nothing else left ' days. The occasional gin for days when he forgets how sick gin makes him. And the Bacardis- the colored/non-colored here and there. Occasional beer cans for days when u feel young!
The young progeny of the above mentioned enjoy their occasional cocktails, breezers , shots .
Besides all this, I can't imagine using my mobile which has a track ball without alcohol to clean it. Street dogs hover and wag tails at me when I smell of alcohol. I can't quite imagine a week go by without me deciding to paint the wonderfully shaped and intoxicating smelling empty glass bottles . Deciding what to store in the casket that hold scotch bottles. Smiling over the king size life mallya leads. Selling cheap beer bottles at the paper mart as my baatliwaala gets used to the fact when I convince him every time that I emptied all the bottles. Using the glass bottles as water storage containers over the yucky tupperware.
Above all brewing our Irish coffee wine or making the fruit versions of grape and strange hokumpokum like beetle leaf wine or rice wine !
Strange world of spirits