Thursday, November 14, 2013

Speaking Tree :D

I have often been told I am a good speaker at work and in college. Most of them have heard me speak in English. 

Yes, I do like to communicate. I like to listen. I like to reply. I like to have an opinion. At many instances I don't like to do any of these three activities.  I have also been told I am a good speaker because I got English medium education in a country where English is not the native language and multiple other reasons people have for believing that 'speak English well'. Its employment season in MBA colleges across India and I have classmates attending group discussions and interviews. Of course you have reasons as to why a company din't pick you; and what tops the list is obviously, what is 'out of your hands' i.e. our old friend 'I am not a good speaker'. In my defense against the argument that I get things easy because I am a 'good speaker', I have something to say.

We are not 'speakers'. Speakers exist in baraat processions only, screaming "Yo Yo Honey Singh". We communicate. We communicate to express our line of thought. We express our line of thought so that others buy it and we can continue doing what we want to do. Speaking is but one of the many ways you can express. What if you had a limited quota of words to speak everyday. Wouldn't you gauge every damn preposition that you uttered? If you believe you are not a good speaker it means you are not communicating effectively --> your line of thought is not clear -> your idea will not be bought. Your line of thought will be clear if you can think analytically (with special reference to Indian MBAs only) and remember, this 'analytical bent of mind' was your USP to get into the B-school. Concluding that its the thought process that's defunct and not the 'command' over the language.

The above thoughts are rational provided you want to convey your thoughts to people around you (this is a given assuming you are human and hence social beings). If you want to yell & tell all that you feel and think, you will always find the words. The itch in you will make you look out, learn and adapt words that help you express better.

I have often been told I am a good speaker not just at work and in college. Most of these tellers have heard me speaking in Kannada, Hindi, Kodava Thak and few other languages I cannot read, write or don't even watch on TV. 
Its because I communicate. I like telling stories and making people smile.