Friday, July 12, 2013

Marriage & children

"Marriage is an insurance policy."
The earlier you enter the institution better the returns, lower the premium & more the choice.
Ennui set in one rainy morning in Mumbai. Life seemed too normal. Sitting in an MBA class, I got worried what was unto me. Was it meeting a clueless-in-life ex-MBA friend over past weekends (too many for the poor chap), not being in social circles (the humdrum atleast keeps you buzzed enough to not to some 'internalisation') or was something simply amiss? And lo behold! as Candian dollar got exchanged for Indian rupee in the international finance class, I realized I wasn't wearing one of my two birthstone rings. Back home and ring in right finger seemed to clear the head like a whirlpool. I came up with a logic for having kids.
In the past two days of no activity, I felt life would not be the same had I been with family, or some social circle (read activity clubs of MBA college). This would not be because I had something I want to do there. But yes its an effective, inexpensive, distraction strategy. So I realised, that's what happens to individuals when they get married. You perhaps (it shall be, perhaps and maybe and possibly and the sort, hereon!) get enough of each other and need something better to keep you occupied.
And eureka! you decide to experiment in life. What better than make babies :D What are kids but an experiment. Like you know what to do with the child. Everything is one big experiment for a lifetime!
So exciting know:P