Tuesday, October 25, 2011

cult behaviour

I am untouched when clans like the Coorg go that extra step in physical violence to (what they think) protect their culture. The same I extend to spread of Hindutva too.The former being closer home scores better points for justification.
Clan culture prevails among the Coorgs. I feel different in a land of Kannadigas where i do nothing in a day that is similar to what they do. I don't celeberate any of their festivals. Of course there is bonhomie from the heart for the lovely, pleasant kannada folk. but somewhere I don't apply rules that I apply to them for myself or the coorg clan. oh common its ok for a kannada boy to not have a gym body. but for a Coorg boy, definitely not. So what I am getting to is that Coorgs feel isolated. Hence, an inherent sense to group themselves and therefore a default sense of being defensive. Thus, the acts of passion of physical violence to do what they think is protecting their culture.
This is similar to the hazaar Sanghs that are formed in the USA where Indians meet outside of their own country. know?

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