Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Modern Day Relevance of The Declaration of Independence

"The modern day relevance of declaration of Independence" - As I read the title, I realize that the term "Declaration of Independence" is but a phrase. I am forced to ask myself Declaration of Independence from WHAT ? The context of Declaration of Independence has changed over time.

In 1930 when the Purna Swaraj declaration, or Declaration of the Independence was promulgated by the Indian National Congress,  it was done with aim of establishing complete self-rule independent of the British Empire. After 17 long years of struggle and sacrifices, Declaration of the Independence on Aug 15, 1947 had a different meaning. As is reflected in Pandit Nehru's speech Tryst with Destiny, the declaration of Independence now meant a step towards independence from the oppression and misery suffered over the past century.Today, the phrase has a different meaning. Today, we have the independence to interpret many different meanings to this phrase Declaration of Independence and the independence to make each of these interpretations come true.We have independence guaranteed to us as Fundamental rights - Right to equality, Right to freedom of speech and expression, Right against exploitation, Right to freedom of conscience and free profession, Right of any section of citizens to conserve their culture and Right to constitutional remedies. We have the independence to choose our means of living, to travel, to write, to complain, to protest, to voice our opinion, to use the RTI, to even say NO.Amidst our little struggles of voicing our personal independence, have we forgotten our all important "Declaration of Independence of 1947"? No, we have not. We have not forgotten the heavy price and sacrifice we have given to be a free independent nation . That's the reason, we vehemently oppose any efforts by nations to make us dependent on them for nuclear power or financially or by any other means for that matter. India as a democratic

  nation has grown strongly keeping Declaration of Independence as its base for all progress As much as interdependence on other nations is the order of the day in this era of globalization, the strength to voice its independent ideas is also important for a nation.

As a relatively young nation in comparison to other developed countries, India of course is yet to gain independence from a issues like poverty, illiteracy, (the very much in news) corruption and so much more. So, every August 15, let us make a promise to give a new definition to this phrase "Declaration of Independence of India from…… ".


Jai Bharat!

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